Apr 14, 2010

Born To Live, Left To Die

Baby dumping is the act of abandoning new-born babies, an offense popularly conducted by young, single mothers. This inhumane act is no stranger in our own country. Every day, we would hear news about babies being abandoned in mosques, being found by a stray dog or the latest one being a baby with its umbilical cord still attached being thrown away into a trash can.

The sad truth is, many innocent babies have been dumped or even buried alive, at certain extreme measures. What’s even sadder is that the number of these cases is increasing.

There should be regulations for dealing with the infant bodies and dead fetus that comply with both laws and folk customs. First and foremost, abandoning a baby is strongly against The Child Act 2001, a Malaysian law in which serves as a consolidation for the Child Protection Act 1991.

The offense-doer whose act of conduct goes against this act should be punished, depends on how extreme the offense-doer’s case is. Abandoning a helpless baby may lead to two possibilities; leaving the baby to die, or hoping for a miracle that someone will find the baby and save it.

However, most babies are simply left to die. Corpses of babies have been found regularly recently, and that is enough proof that most mothers abandon their babies without thinking or even considering the fatal consequences. Therefore, abandoning babies should be considered as equivalent to an attempt at murder.

Apart from that, baby dumping acts are also most notable as the effects of side-tracking from religious beliefs and teachings. It has been found out that most mothers who abandon their infant are single mothers, still in their teenage years.

Thinking that they are too young to support the baby, they simply give the baby up to whatever fate the baby may meet after the abandonment. Before realizing this fact, way before these girls are aware of their lack of capability in raising a child, they willingly proceed in sexual activities. These sexual engagements in turn cause unwanted pregnancies, and from unwanted pregnancies, unwanted babies are born.

With the constant rise of the rates of baby dumping in Malaysia, it indirectly gives our nation a bad image. Baby dumping shows how uncivilized Malaysians are. With this sort of news being printed on newspapers, informing the rest of the world about how inhumane the people in our country are might scare off potential international investments into our country.

This, in turn, will not only give a bad impression towards our country as a nation and the people living in it, it might ruin Malaysia’s economic development as well.

With all these negativities surrounding the act of baby dumping, there is no reason why punishment towards people who practice baby dumping should be heavily punished. Toleration towards people who are involved in inhumane misconduct towards other humans should be considered carefully, but when it comes to dumping babies cruelly, the answer to whether the level of toleration should be high or low is obvious.

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